Psoda blog

Speech bubbles with who, what, why, where, when and how
I want to be a project manager
Welcome to the latest “Ask a project manager” blog. This week’s question is about how to get a project management job: Hello, I’m looking for some advice please. I’m getting ready to graduate soon and want to be a project manager, specifically within IT. I’ve got a general business degree and some office experience from ... Blog
5 environmental projects that could help save the world
Whether you agree with the science or not, it’s pretty clear there’s something weird going on with our planet. We’ve got the Arctic burning, plastics in every step of the food chain, more plastics in the oceans than fish and storms that are increasing in strength. Not to mention the Amazon burning at unprecedented levels, ... Blog
Project business case. An image of various ideas on a blue sky background
Project business cases: 5 things you need to know
If you’re a project manager, chances are that at some point in your career you’ll be expected to write a project business case. This can be a daunting exercise, especially if you’ve never written one before. I remember the very first business case I ever wrote. I can honestly say it was the biggest bunch ... Blog
Speech bubbles with who, what, why, where, when and how
Help! My stakeholders want me to fail
Welcome to the latest “Ask a project manager” blog. This week’s question is about coping with difficult stakeholders: I’ve just been given a project that, in all honesty, will make or break my career. It’s a fantastic opportunity but, and it’s a big but, the stakeholders are horrendous! They all want completely different things, they ... Blog
Will horizontal visibility unlock your project success?
What would you say if I told you you could increase your project success rates, shorten delivery times and reduce rework? And that the information you need to do it already exists in your organisation? You’d probably say I’m crazy, right? No. Organisations have a huge amount of really valuable project data which they’re just ... Blog
An easy ten-minute guide to project health checks
Setting up a project health check programme can be a bit of a mission. You need to make sure you cover everything regularly without annoying the people actually doing the work. In this easy ten-minute guide I’m going to talk you through how to set up a health check programme that will deliver the required ... Blog
Speech bubbles with who, what, why, where, when and how
How do I deal with a bottleneck boss?
Welcome to the latest “Ask a project manager” blog. This week’s question is about how to deal with a boss that’s a bottleneck. I’m a part time project coordinator/part time EA to a great boss who manages a team of 20 engineers. They’re all working on different projects and it’s my boss’s, aka my, job ... Blog
12 more key project management terms you need to know
When you’re starting out in project management, it’s really easy to become lost and confused by the lingo. To help you through the early days, we’ve created Fundamentals of Project Management. It’s a series of videos which talk you through the basics of project management. Our latest episode is “12 more key project management terms ... Blog
Speech bubbles with who, what, why, where, when and how
What is a PMO?
Welcome to the latest “Ask a project manager” blog. This week’s question isn’t about project management but about that lovely adjunct – PMOs. I’m a recent graduate and have an interview for a (very) junior role in a PMO. I’m really excited but I’ve not got much of a clue about what a PMO is ... Blog
5 Key Challenges Construction Project Managers Face
Effective project management is vital to the timely delivery of a construction project. In an industry where each project has several stakeholders, budget constraints, and scheduling issues, a construction project manager needs to be prepared to face challenges and ensure the completion of a project. The issues construction project managers are tasked to handle may ... Blog
Speech bubbles with who, what, why, where, when and how
How to rescue a project in trouble
Welcome to the latest “Ask a project manager” blog. This week’s question is about how to rescue a project that’s in trouble. Our questioner asks: “I’ve got a bit of a dilemma. My boss has asked me to take on a project that’s in real trouble and I don’t quite know where to start. I’m ... Blog
An easy 10-minute guide to change management
All projects involve some form of change, whether you’re building a bridge, putting in a new IT system or modifying business processes. To put it simply, change management is the processes, techniques and tools you use to get people ready for the changes your project will be bringing. It shouldn’t be confused with change control ... Blog
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