Estimate at completion

How is the estimate at completion figure calculated for different user preference settings?

Let’s take a project that runs from January to December and say the current month is August:

Calculation monthUse maximum of actual vs forecastForecast monthCalculation
Two months agoYesActuals(Jan to May)+Max(Actuals(Jun) vs Forecast(Jun)) + Forecast(Jul to Dec)
Last monthYesActuals(Jan to Jun)+Max(Actuals(Jul) vs Forecast(Jul)) + Forecast(Aug to Dec)
Current monthYesActuals(Jan to Jul)+Max(Actuals(Aug) vs Forecast(Aug)) + Forecast(Sep to Dec)
Next monthYesActuals(Jan to Aug)+Max(Actuals(Sep) vs Forecast(Sep)) + Forecast(Oct to Dec)
Two months agoNoOne month beforeActuals(Jan to Jun)+Forecast(May to Dec)
Two months agoNoSame monthActuals(Jan to Jun)+Forecast(Jun to Dec)
Two months agoNoOne month afterActuals(Jan to Jun)+Forecast(Jul to Dec)
Last monthNoOne month beforeActuals(Jan to Jul)+Forecast(Jun to Dec)
Last monthNoSame monthActuals(Jan to Jul)+Forecast(Jul to Dec)
Last monthNoOne month afterActuals(Jan to Jul)+Forecast(Aug to Dec)
Current monthNoOne month beforeActuals(Jan to Aug)+Forecast(Jul to Dec)
Current monthNoSame monthActuals(Jan to Aug)+Forecast(Aug to Dec)
Current monthNoOne month afterActuals(Jan to Aug)+Forecast(Sep to Dec)
Next monthNoOne month beforeActuals(Jan to Sep)+Forecast(Aug to Dec)
Next monthNoSame monthActuals(Jan to Sep)+Forecast(Sep to Dec)
Next monthNoOne month afterActuals(Jan to Sep)+Forecast(Oct to Dec)