Workflow actions

Actions iconWorkflow actions are executed in sequence when a Workflow iconworkflow reaches a particular icon_lifecyclestatestate.You can add any number of actions to a workflow state that will be executed when an asset reaches that state. There are a number of difference action types supported:
Action typeDescription
AssignStore a temporary variable. The value for the variable can be calculated from a complex expression.
EmailSend an email message.
IfUsed to test if a certain condition is true before executing a sub-set of actions.
ElseCan only be used in conjunction with an If action to provide action sets that must be executed if the If condition evaluates to false.
WaitWait for a certain duration before executing a sub-set of actions,e.g. waiting for 5 days from the start date of a timesheet before sending a reminder email.
After changeExecute a sub-set of actions after a change on the object that this workflow is attached to.
ForExecute a sub-set of actions on each key/value pair of an array, these key/value pairs can be used on the children actions.
Some action types are only available in certain circumstances,e.g. Else actions can only be added to If actions.Note: Any Wait actions that are still outstanding when an asset changes state are automatically cancelled.